This dish of soy chicken wings is absolutely delicious and moist. I often crave this savory treat after sticking to a healthy eating plan.
Although the ingredients are basic, the key to success is timing. The wings should be slightly caramelized while preserving their juice. Achieving perfection requires practice, but it’s important to remember that perfection is subjective. Even if you’re not the best chef, it’s important to be your biggest fan. So go ahead and indulge in this delightful dish. Enjoy!
- Heat a non-stick pan over high heat. Stir in 500g of chicken wings, 3 tablespoons of oil, 3-5 slices of ginger, half a cup of rice wine, and 3 tablespoons of soy sauce.
- Turn the chicken wings occasionally. When the sauce dries up and starts to sizzle, stir for 3-5 minutes until the chicken wings are caramelized.
- Before turning off the heat, add some sesame seeds and chili flakes (optional) and toss around.
- Serve and enjoy.
- 将一斤鸡翅,少许油,3-5片姜,半杯料酒,三勺酱油倒入不粘锅。大火翻煮。
- 收汁后,爆炒3-5分钟。
- 起锅前加入一些芝麻和辣椒,翻炒片刻即可。