The summer holiday season is in full swing in New Zealand, and there’s an abundance of seafood to create a delicious and vibrant dish. This recipe is ideal for entertaining a crowd at a party. Simply add a splash of lemon juice, pour a glass of wine, and enjoy with friends on a beautiful summer day. It’s hard to imagine a better way to enjoy life!
Despite having many ingredients, this dish is not as complicated to cook as it may appear.
- In a non-stick pot, add half a cup of cooking oil and half a chopped onion. Fry the onion until softened.
- Stir in two chopped tomatoes, one tablespoon of tomato puree, two teaspoons of smoked paprika, and a pinch of salt.
- Add some chicken pieces, two cups of rice, and 2 cups of water, mix together and turn down to a simmer, stirring from time to time.
- After around 15 minutes, when the rice is nearly cooked, stir in chopped capsicum, prawn, mussels, squid and clams, or any seafood you like. Cook on low heat for another 10 minutes.
- Serve with chopped coriander or parsley and a wedge of lemon.
Main ingredients: Smoked paprika and Tomato puree
- 用油将半个切碎的洋葱煎软,
- 加入两个切好的西红柿,一勺西红柿酱(见上图),两小勺红椒粉(见上图)和适量盐,
- 加入两杯米,两杯水,和一些鸡块,搅拌均匀后,转小火,盖上盖子。
- 当米快要煮熟的时候,放入一个切好的灯笼椒,青口,虾,蛤蜊,鱿鱼 (或者其他喜欢的海鲜)再煮大概10分钟,
- 加上一些柠檬汁和香菜,就可以上桌了。