Hello, welcome to my blog! My name is Lei. I grew up in China and have been living in New Zealand for over two decades. My passion for food and photography has led me to this space where I can share my recipes and express my artistic side.
I am striving to find the best-matched ingredients to create simple and tasty dishes. I summarize the recipes in a way that makes them as simple as possible, leaving room for your creativity.
Thanks for stopping by. Grab your aprons, get cooking and enjoy the food and life!
I’ve seen your receipes in Threads and wanted to compliment you on your details, thoroughness, and presentation of Chinese Food Cooking. Although I’m NOT a professionally trained chef, I’ve actually held a sous chef position for a brief period of time here in Seattle, Wa. Chinese cooking is not as difficult as most people see it. It just requires more prep work, timing, and length of cooking individual ingredients,with a very well seasoned, steel wok and very high heat !! Thank You !!
Thank you so much for your kind words! 🙂 I love bringing Chinese cuisine into a modern light and encouraging more people to try it in their own kitchens.
Just came across your site…glad I did. Thx