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Korean Kimchi Pork belly


Sometimes in life, we get caught up in the madness of the moment. We obsess about what happened, and what could have been done differently until we are emotionally exhausted and have lost perspective on our life. The past is carried to the present and clouds the future.

I often think about the purpose of my life. The moments and stories, no matter how significant they ever were, are the steps along my journey. What I can do is to proactively create the Now, appreciate my surroundings, a healthy body, delicious food, and time with the people I care about. To accept the past, unlock my potential, and be brave to expect the unexpected future. Because the only thing constant is change.

What is your life’s purpose? Maybe treating yourself to a delectable meal every now and then could be a good idea. 😉

Creating a delicious meal need not be a daunting task. The combination of kimchi and pork may provide a sophisticated flavor, but it doesn’t have to take hours to prepare. Although it seems like a straightforward dish, I will provide you with a recipe to follow for your first attempt.

  • Cook the pork belly and one tablespoon of oil over medium heat until some fat has rendered out, and the pork is caramelized,
  • Take out the excessive pork oil from the skillet, add kimchi and a pinch of salt, stir fry for two minutes,
  • Add sesame seeds and toast for a minute (optional),
  • sprinkle with scallions and serve.

Tip: Fresher kimchi is usually saltier and the mature one is sourer. The amount of kimchi to add to this dish depends on the taste of the kimchi. Find your best combination.

韩国泡菜炒五花肉是很简单的一道菜。 感觉很复杂,实际上大部分的调味来自泡菜。

  • 将五花肉煎至出油,
  • 将多余的猪油倒出,放入泡菜,一些盐,中火炒两三分钟至泡菜有干煎的感觉,
  • 在起锅前加入些芝麻,
  • 加葱,盛盘。



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